Discipline: Knitting
Artist: Sara Noble
Sara is passionate about knitting and her work is testament to that. She explores colours, patterns and materials to create innovative pieces of art. Sara’s work also includes print and illustration which have featured in group exhibitions, magazines and on the London Underground.
Sara has worked on various public projects at venues such as - the Southbank Centre, the Museum of Domestic Design and Architecture, and at the Knitting and Stitching Show. Currently Sara is running experimental crochet workshops at the Salisbury Art Centre and runs knitting workshops for children and adults in Haringey Libraries.
To discover more about Sara’s projects and unique style visit her website where you will find all her latest news! http://www.saranoble.co.uk/
Discipline: Painting
Artist: Nicola Green
Nicola’s portraits capture the iconic gestures that typify her subjects to us (the public), and also the tiny characteristics which identify them to their nearest and dearest. For example an image of a clenched fist is recognisable as that of Barack Obama’s. Nicola is an extraordinary artist who has done work of Sir Trevor McDonald, Elle McPherson and Cherie Blair. Nicola’s work can be seen hanging in galleries across London - from the National Portrait Gallery to Bruce Castle Museum in Tottenham.
See Nicola’s full portfolio at http://www.nicolagreen.com/
Discipline: Mixed Media
Artist: Jennie Pedley
Artist Jennie Pedley works with shadows and silhouettes, often filming scientists or members of the public performing behind a backlit screen.
Jennie also creates live shadow shows and exhibitions of layered silhouette prints. Jennie’s Mini Shadow Theatre is a paper product that allows you to create your own mini theatre and is on sale at many outlets including the National Theatre and other major arts venues.
In 2011 Jennie will be working with the National Trust at Calke Abbey and with Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Wildlife Trusts to create shadow installations commissioned by Breath of Fresh Air, an Olympic initiative. Jennie’s shadow film a is for ageing is on show at the Great North Museum in Newcastle until March 2011.
Visit Jennie’s website for more examples for her work http://www.jenniepedley.co.uk/
Discipline: Photography
Artist: Roelof Bakker
Roelof is both a photographer and an experimental video artist. His portfolio is made up of – forgotten, or abandoned elements of the past; concepts of time, life and death; and portraits of the modern world.
Roelof is passionate about photographing the London borough of Haringey, where he lives and works. STILL, his most recent exhibition explored the vacated interior space at Hornsey Town Hall, through photographs and film. The project was exhibited in disused offices inside Hornsey Town Hall. STILL follows on from his previous project 365 Days where his living room became a temporary gallery exhibiting a photographic diary of an entire year, in 365 postcards… one for each day of the year. (Time Out Arts Critics' Choice, 26 April 2006: 'Bakker's celebration of life in London is a delight.')
Visit http://www.rbakker.com/ for more of Roelof’s photography and film.
Discipline: Textile
Artist: Melonie Stennett (Melo)
Melo combines traditional and contemporary stitching techniques, vivid colours, unusual shapes, and contrasting patterns to create beautiful leather items. After completing a Fashion Leather short course at the London College of Fashion 10 years ago, her passion for leather has since developed into a thriving business. Melo has sold her pieces at fairs and in shops across London.
Melo’s craft, and more recently artworks, are all made by hand using natural materials.
Visit www.meloleather.co.uk for more examples of her work.
Discipline: Digital Art
Artist: Call & Response - Matt Lewis & Cecilia Bonilla
Matt & Cecilia wanted to work together specifically for the Oooooh Art project to create an innovative audio/visual piece.
Matt Lewis
Matt Lewis is a London-based sound artist and musician. Matt focuses on urbanism, notation and uses alternative distribution methods to create his unique audio.
Matt has collaborated with choreographers, dancers. film and theatre productions; and has performed all over the world - Portugal, Holland, Serbia, Norway and Brazil.
Visit http://www.mattlewis.info/AUDIO/audio_pages/AUDIO.htm to hear examples of Matt’s recent work including Mr Shordy, a sound installation commissioned by Shoreditch Festival and Arts Council England.
Cecilia Bonilla
Born in Uruguay, raised in Sweden, then studied Fine Art in California and London; where Cecilia has lived since 1999.
Her work visually combines large-scale ‘performative’ installations with smaller collages, drawings and videos.
Cecilia expresses her views about time, society and female sexuality through the use of images from glossy magazines. Alterations are made to these images both manually and digitally creating a contemporary, yet poetic style to her work.
Follow this link for more examples of Cecilia’s work http://www.ceciliabonilla.com/
Discipline: Poetry
Artist: Paul Lyalls
Paul is officially the first poet to perform at the new Wembley stadium; has worked on the BBC/CBBC show The Big Slam Poetry House; and has performed with Michael Rosen. Paul is a brilliantly entertaining poet whose work can be found in Michael Rosen's A-Z: The Best Children's Poetry from Agard to Zephaniah; and has just published his first book of poetry Catching the Cascade.
Poet, performer and storyteller, Paul Lyalls has performed across the world.
Visit Paul’s website for more info http://www.paul-lyalls.com/
Discipline: Print
Artist: Mark Oliver
Originally a Philosophy graduate, Mark Oliver then went on to study a Masters degree in Visual Arts at the Campbell College of Art and Design. He is a multidisciplinary artist involved in many different kinds of projects. His work is based on the combination of critical thinking and traditional drawing skills.
Mark’s etchings have recently been purchased by the University of the Arts and his books and zines are part of the London College of Communication’s library collection. Mark also runs illustration workshops in schools across the UK.
See Mark’s etchings, prints and other works at http://www.dancingeye.co.uk/markoliver
Discipline: Collage
Artist: Kiki Machado
Kiki is passionate about turning other people’s discarded materials into beautiful works of art. Kiki’s work is colourful and clever; it combines the explosive array of colours typical of her native Brazil with the muted greens and greys of London, the city in which she lives.
See more of Kiki’s work by visiting http://madeinnorthlondon.blogspot.com/
Discipline: Illustration
Artist: James Townend
James’ artwork seeks the extraordinary in the ordinary. Peek through antiquated illuminated boxes to find miniscule, and incredibly detailed sketched of places like KFC and supermarkets. His humour and imagination cleverly point out what is normally invisible to us.
James graduated from Goldsmiths last year and has since worked extensively creating beautiful objects for boutiques across London; sold illustrations for posters and leaflets; and plans to pass on his skills in workshops and classes in 2011.
See more of James’ creatures and illustrations by visiting http://old.gold.ac.uk/art/exhibitions/archive/batex2009/pages/jt/01.html
Discipline: Ceramics
Artist: Jacqui Chanarin
Jacqui Chanarin's porcelain objects are cute, humorous and of great beauty, yet evoke deeper feelings and imply more complex narratives.
Jacqui Chanarin exhibits and sells her work internationally. Balancing her time between developing new ceramic techniques and creating new works in her studio, she holds a teaching post at Brighton University and is a regular visiting lecturer at Camberwell Art Collage.
See more of Jacqui’s work by visiting www.eyestorm.com/artists/profile/Jacqui_Chanarin.html http://www.jacquichanarin.com/ (in construction)